Saturday, February 9, 2019

People With Healthy Lifestyles Live Six Years Longer Says Research

People With Healthy Lifestyles Live Six Years Longer Says Research

  • People with a healthy lifestyle who don't smoke,aren't over weight and have healthy blood pressure on average live six years longer than people with a more unhealthy lifestyle, according to a study. 

  • Researchers tracked the health of the over 9,000 people between 1989 and 2012.

  • Researchers looked at the World Health Organisation, most often lead to death cancer, degenerative brain disease(dementia), heart disease, diabetes and chronic lung disease.

  • On average, people who are overweight, smoke and have blood pressure are diagnosed with one of these diseases nine years earlier than those with a healthier lifestyle.


  •  Their life span is also six years shorter on average than people with a healthy lifestyle.

  • According to researcher Erasmus MC, Afran Ikram, this has to do with healthy people generally falling ill later than unhealthy people.

  •  "They have already prevented other disease with their lifestyles. You will obviously die of something. But if you live healthy you can enjoy a life without disease for longer"


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